Mustard Seed Loan
- This loan facility aims at financing working capital needs for established businesses with an annual turnover of above Kes. 1.5million.
- The funds are to be directed towards stock replenishment and business expansion.
Target Customer & Purpose
- Loan amounts from Kes. 500,000 – Kes.20 million
- Repayment up to 48months
- Affordable interest rates
- Conventional securities accepted
- Open Caritas MFB account
- National ID/Valid Passport
- KRA PIN Certificate
- Duly filled loan application form
- Six (6) months bank statement
- Records of the business
- Certificate of Incorporation
- Valid CR12
- Resolution to borrow.
- KRA PIN certificate of the business
- Valid trading license
Limited Liability Business
- Business registration Certificate
- Trading License
- KRA PIN Certificate of the business
Sole Proprietorship